Website owner:
Unique registration code: 40962187
Comercial Registation Number .: J5 / 1200/2019
Phone: 0756686698 Monday -Friday between 09:00 – 18:00
Email address:
SEW-PATTERNS.COM is the trade name under which MODELLER STUDIO S.R.L. operates, as a legal entity with its registered office in Oradea, Alexandru Cazaban street, no. 12.
Seller – is or the legal entity aforementioned.
The Client- is an individual over the age of 18 or a legal entity that places an order on website or by phone at +40756686698 and provides to the Seller al the personal data to process the order and conclude the sales – purchase contract.
The User – is an individual who has acces to the informations published on and/or register on the website and makes available to the Seller his personal data.
The Product – any product or service mentioned in Order placed by the user and is due to be delivered by the Seller to the Costumer.
The Order – electronic document made between the Seller and the Customer by which the Customer expresses his intention to purchase certain products and services with the commitment to make their payment.
Contract – an Order confirmed by the Seller, whereby the Seller agrees to sell and deliver the Products and Services and the Client agrees to purchase, receive and pay for the Products and Services.
Courier – any person under private or public law who provides express courier services for the Seller. The Client and User are subject to the Terms and Conditions of the website and undertake to comply with the provisions of the Privacy Policy.
Intellectual and industrial property rights
As far as you are concerned the site and all published materials, including any materials that, although published at a certain time, were subsequently removed from the Site, belongs, such as written content, product images, drawings graphics, logos, digital documents that can be downloaded, but also any other material created and distributed by sew-patterns. By accessing and using the Site, you are not granted any license to use them and no other right over the published materials than to consult the site. The right to use these materials rests exclusively with All the rights that are directly or indirectly shall be reserved to him. You may not copy, duplicate, republish, retransmit or create copycat based on those on the current site for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of
This means that no part of the work, whether free templates, photographs or text, any part of the the document or print may not be distributed, modified, shared or stored without the permission of the copyright holder.
When you purchase a digital or paper print model, you may purchase a license to use the patterns and instructions for use on the website, to make clothing only and not the rights to the instructions, photos, or pattern per se.
Any use other than that permitted under these terms will constitute an infringement of copyright and related rights, which will be sanctioned under the Intellectual and Industrial Property Law.
You have the right to print a copy of the content or materials downloaded from this site for personal use and not for marketing purpose.
Electronic communication
When you visit the website or contact us by e-mail, SMS, you communicate electronically with us, and you undertake to receive messages from us in electronic format. The seller will communicate with you either by sending e-mails, SMS, or by publishing content and notifications on this website.
Seller’s rights and obligations
MODELLER STUDIO S.R.L. reserves the right to change the content of the website and the Terms and Conditions page at any time to reflect any change in the operation and conditions of the Website or any changes to legal requirements without notifying buyers.
The document is opposable to Buyers from the moment of posting on the Website. In the event of any such changes, we will display the changed version of the Document on the Website, for which reason please check the contents of this Document periodically.
The Seller reserves the right to restrict or deny the access for Customers or Users on the products and information from the website, if he considers that his actions could cause harm of any kind to the Seller. In case of restricted access, the Customer or the User may contact the operators or the Seller for information on the reasons for this measure.
Automatic rights: in order to comply with current EU legislation and international rules regarding digital products, which you have selected, you have subsequently received by e-mail after confirmation of payment for the product, you agree with these Terms and Conditions, namely that you can no longer cancel the order or request for a refund, this is due to the nature of the digital goods. The seller has the obligation to deliver the products within the deadline set by the order.
Buyer’s rights and obligations
The buyer has the obligation not to provide false information, not to alienate the account. The buyer has the right to modify or delete the user account for specific reasons.
Contract documents
By registering on the website and placing orders through this means, you agree to any form of communication established by the Seller in the terms and conditions on the website.
When placing an order, you will receive an e-mail notification confirming the reception of the order and has an informative role. The sale-purchase contract and / or the fiscal invoice will be sent later, after taking over and processing the order by the operators. The information regarding the shipment of the order is also communicated by e-mail, or by telephone, if you have requested it.
Online sale-purchase conditions
Although access to our site is permitted to any User, only adults over the age of 18 may place orders on All orders must be placed online, by phone or through the solutions offered by the seller.
When placing an order, you will be asked to specify the delivery address, contact details and billing details. Before completing the order, you will be able to review the products added to the cart, and you will be able to view the total value of the order, including VAT, and the shipping cost for physically shipped products is NOT included in the total value of the order.
Prices are displayed in Ron for Romanian users and for foreign countries in Euro.
All information used to describe the products and / or Services available on the Site (static / dynamic images / multimedia presentations / etc.) does not represent a contractual obligation on the part of the Seller, these being used exclusively as a presentation.
We accept payment by credit card, bank transfer, PayPal, payment order or cash on delivery. In the case of payments made online, the Seller is not responsible for any additional costs incurred by the Customer, and does not assume responsibility for the security of the transactions themselves.
After confirming the payment, you will receive an e-mail with the file attached in digital format (dxf, iso, gemx, hpgl.) that contains the pattern or the full range of sizes, the file can be saved on your computer. The digital model is delivered as a download, so you will need to provide the correct email address when you place your order with us for a digital product.
The models are in file format (dxf, iso, gemx, hpgl), and on request they can also be printed on adhesive paper.
After downloading to your computer or other storage source, the models remain the property of These are provided for your personal, small or industrial production under the intellectual property rights described on this site (models that are not posted on our site, but are made by us according to customer requirements are excluded).
Payment is also not refunded for products sent printed on paper, which are ordered on request.
For custom patterns after making the first prototype, minor changes to the proportions, sizing, correction or addition of material shrinkage are free of charge only twice.
If the design, pattern or fabric type is changed from the original and new items are added, it will be billed separately as changes to the pattern.
Cancellation of an order placed for a custom print or custom product, and advance payment has been made, in this case the advance will NOT be refunded.
The pattern provided is as it appears in the product description and as seen in the picture. Our goal is to provide quality services and send patterns as complete as possible so that your products made with our patterns prove to be impeccable. We mention that the final appearance of an article of clothing depends on the chosen material and the experience of the one who sews it and this cannot be considered a reason for refunding the order.
When you order a pattern or graduated pattern, or purchase it from our website, it is your responsibility to test before launch in production to verify that the pattern is compatible with the fabric used, dimensionally matched, and that the pattern is the one you wanted.
It is your responsibility to check the model, dimensions, grading, framing and other services we offer. We do not accept any complaint after the material has been cut, sewn or finished in production. We do not assume any responsibility for any financial loss through the use of our patterns, such as the value of fabrics loss, manufacturing cost, delivery delays, lack of sale of products, etc. In case of errors on our part, we take measures to fix them, we focus only on digital or construction errors (wrong patterns) at our expense.
In such cases you are entitled to a compensatory amount, but not higher than the value of the digital product you purchase and only if we cannot fix this error.
We reserve the right to refuse the order if the customer who placed the order has been sent products but they have not been picked up. We consider such orders as abuses on their part, but we offer them the chance to honor their order only by paying the bank order after placing the order but not by paying by courier.
Billing – payments
The price, payment method and payment term are specified in each Order. The Seller will issue to the Buyer an invoice for the delivered Products and Services, the obligation of the Buyer being to provide all the information necessary to issue the invoice in accordance with the legislation in force.
Payment can be made in cash by cash on delivery method or online (by payment order).
The price of the products includes VAT.
The delivery term for patterns (templates) in electronic format is a maximum of 24 hours from the moment of order confirmation, deliveries are made from Monday to Friday.
The delivery term for patterns printed on paper and sent by courier is 3 working days for customers located in Romania, and for customers located in other countries delivery can take more than 3 working days from the moment of order confirmation.
Deliveries are made from Monday tho Friday.
Because the product is digital, there are no returns or exchanges of patterns, sizes.
Processing personal data
Please read the Privacy Policy regarding the processing of personal data, which is part of this Document.
Use of Cookies
See the Cookies Policy, which is part of this Document.
Major force
Neither party will be liable for non-performance of its contractual obligations, if such non-performance on time and / or properly, in whole or in part, is due to a majeure force event. Majeure force is the unpredictable event, beyond the control of the parties and which cannot be avoided.
If within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of its occurrence, that event does not cease, each party will have the right to notify the other party about the full termination of the contract without any of them being able to claim damages from the other.
Conflict resolution. Applicable law
The contract will be governed by and construed in accordance with Romanian law. Any conflict between and Customers will be resolved amicably. If this is not possible, the first solution is mediation, in accordance with the law, and if it fails, the competent Romanian courts in Oradea Municipality are appealed.